First I would like to apologize to the people who spend time reading my writings. I was a bit under the weather and there were lots of things going on. By now, most of the stuff is fixed, I can honestly say I am a happier person then I was 2 months ago. Especially with the holidays coming up :) *big fan of X-mas* I am already looking forward to sending and receiving Christmas cards to and from all over the world.

Last weekend was great! I bought a Polaroid-camera, a Supercolour 635. It is so cool and also quite expensive. And the pictures arent't that beautiful either, but the feeling, the
sound, the looks and the retro-ness of the concept are making up for those deficiencies.
Saturday evening I went to the new Harry Potter-movie with S. I read the book a while ago and I really enjoyed the film, but it was a little sad though. On Sunday my little sister and I went to this old and closed-years-ago open air swimming pool. It is given back to nature and looks a little spooky nowadays. I took my analog camera and the photos will be ready next week. After the pool we went to the 'Witte Wieven', some sort of playground with a folklore background. The Dutch 'Witte Wieven' are ghostish white ladies who are sometimes good and sometimes evil. I really like this Dutch folklore and Dutch (Germanic) traditions.

I might not have been blogging, my mail kept coming and going. Down below are a few outgoing cards and two letters.
Soon I will upload some photos from things I have received.
Since I love lists, here is one with things that were nice the past few weeks:
- Went to my other sister in Amstelveen, to see the CoBrA-museum which happend to be closed. So instead we went to the tropics museum. There was an exhibition a the colour red in all kinds of cultures.
- S. and I made plans to visit Paris on the 18th of December *dance*
- Together with my best friend Laura I enjoyed the concert the Baseballs gave.
- I have had a great Halloween party with my friends
- I received an invitation for the Christmas-reception at the North Sea Foundation on the 13th of December.
- My mother arranged tickets for the musical Mary Poppins *woohoo*

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