My new job starts in four weeks. Until then I have practically all the time in the world to craft my days away. Besides a few sewing chores (shortening pants mostly) I can make whatever I want. That sounds great ofcourse, and don't get me wrong it is, but by now I have so much ideas that I need an additional four weeks to make and finish everything that comes to my mind. I started by making two pillow covers from scarves I found in the secondhandshop. They look great in my bedroom!

When my mother and aunt were emptiyng the house of their parents they found a big box filled with old lace curtains. Since they had no idea what to do with them I could have them :) The other day I started working with one of the nets and it turned out to be a lamp.

I also bought a net at the secondhandstore, to experiment with. So this part is to be continued... At the moment I am working on a couple of little lamps with fabric caps.

Beside all the crafting I put together the list above. If you have time I think you should try to read these books. I am still reading 'Of Bees and Mist' at the moment, but it is already placed in my top 6.
This week Radio 2, the favourite Dutch radio channel of my parents, broadcasts 50 years of pop music in 5 days. Last Monday they started with the sixties, Tuesday the seventies, Wednesday the eighties, today the nineties and tomorrow the zeros (which are called the nothies on the other side of the North Sea I believe). It is such a pleasure to listen to. And today, the nineties, brings back all those memories! Secondary school, dance class on Friday evening, the Spice Girls, Dr. Alban, Whitney Houston and even the Backstreet Boys.

With spring kicking in I thought it would be nice to cultivate something, to see it develop from seed to plant and fruit. I have choosen for pumpkins and this mini greenhouse is helping me. I have placed in front of the kitchen window and when the plants have four leaves they will move to my parents garden. To be continued as well...
But time flies when you're having I really have to do some laundry, write some postcards and do the dishes...