When I came home from work last Friday there were two letters laying on my doormat. It was such a welcome surprise, because I didn't feel well at the time. Reading them and enjoying the beautiful bits and pieces which accompanied the letters made me feel so much better. Thank you ladies!

I've been looking forward to this lettter from Sally for a long time. Can't wait to reply to it!

My Easter tree. I love the old pagan traditions and stories around Easter. Since prehistory eggs are for example the symbol of the invisible life force that brings back new life, it is the symbol of infinity. The help of the egg was invoked in acts for fertility. Then the Easter bunny is in the Netherlands not a bunny but a hare. The hare, because of its reproductive capacity, was the symbol of Aphrodite. And hare meat is said to be an aphrodisiac....

With Easter boyfriend S. and I visited his grandmother. Traditionally the whole family comes together for brunch, egg decorating and egg hunting. New this year was felt :)

Those tulips have had their best time I suppose. But with a little bit of myself and a little bit of Photoshop they still look pretty to me.

These flower cards add the needed colour to our hallway. I've found them in an antique bookstore years ago. Now they finally have the place they deserve.

This is a detail photo of a tablecloth I bought two weeks ago on the Sunday Market in Amsterdam. It was great to be there again (I've been there in February 2011) and it was way bigger than the first time. I also bought some little pieces of retro fabric and ribbon *happy*
Saartje the Cat was totally fascinated by a plant. No one knows why and the good thing is that she didn't jump :)

I love that special stamps from UK! :)