Woohoo! Finally I have time to make a decent post. With some outgoing and especially incoming mail. I received two beautiful pieces of mail from two lovely English ladies. But more about that later.
Last weekend I had a holiday picture evening at my parents' house. First we ate a French-Czech dinner, with onion soup, goulash and icecream *nom-nom*. Then my sister showed us her pictures from France and after that S. and I showed ours from the Cezch Republic. As promised, here is a small selection:

I hope you like them :) The photos are taken all over the country. We went from Hrensko in the north, to Prague, to Cesky Krumlov in the south and we spent the last two days around Brno in the east. We also wanted to visit the north eastern past, around Harrachov. But there were floods all over the place so we went home early.

I have received a few nice pieces of mail lately, which I am happy to show you. The first two images are from the letter I got from Sally. And one of the postcards within the envelop was designed by Bianca. It is such a small and nice world :) Sally also included a set of buttons, which made me extra happy!

Via Postcrossing received a few nice postcards:
From Blossom, China

The Postcrossing motto is: I send and therefore I receive. So I also did my part to keep the postman busy.
This one is on its way to the Czech Republic.
This one is hopefully doing its best to get to Italy.
And just before I go the bed, a little list with nice things:
- The movie Gigantic
- Go out to sail with S. and his family
- Writing some letters
- Hot shrimp noodle soup
- Looking forward to buying an actual tiny green bird (even though S. is nog really convinced yet)
- Cooking dinner for my fathers birthday on Wednesday
- Planning a city trip too London, Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris...ehm...
- Autumn!

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