Tonight I watched the movie 'Juno' and I liked it. It reminded me at my secondary school-time (without the pregnancy part though). On the one side I was unruly, wearing a tie and bootcutted pants to school, listening to alternative music like Alanis Morissette and the Guano Apes. And on the other side I wrote for the schoolpaper, I organized school and Christmas parties. Together with my closest friend Laura I had a great time back then. Life was kind of organized and easy. And the worst thing I had to worry about was if we would make the deadline for the next issue. I'm not saying life sucks now, certainly not! But it did enjoy those days.
I just realized I'm a little behind on my lists. Here is one, about a few of my favorite artists, which a placed in random order:
Alfons Mucha, I love his jugendstil pieces and he made some really beautiful jewelry as well.
Frida Kahlo, great Mexican artist, with a really interesting life story beside her paintings.
The Dutch artist Piet Mondriaan. This painting is from before he started making squares. I like his early work and the development he made as an artist.
John William Waterhouse made really pretty paintings from woman. The genre is called 'magical realism' and I believe that name fits his work perfect.
Friedensreich Hundertwasser did not only make colorful paintings. He also was an architect. There is a Hundertwasser house and museum in Vienna. Very nice to visit when you're around.

And then there is Vincent van Gogh. This is my favorite Van Gogh painting, called Almond Blossom. I love the background color.
While I am writing this I feel I want to visit a museum again. Any suggestions for cool exhibitions?

By tomorrow this envelop will hopefully find its way to the lovely Sally. I've added a postcard which I like a lot, but I don't want to to spoil the surprise. So that one will be shown later :)

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