I have had quite an exciting and relaxing weekend, especially Sunday was great! S. and I celebrated our four year aniversary in the zoo of Amersfoort, which was very nice. It is not a big zoo, but it is tastefully decorated. And they had lots of baby animals. There were two baby sloths, at least tree tiny ring-taled lemurs and a one year old elephant. I did not take any pictures at all, because I wanted to fully experience the day. And it worked :)
After our zoo party S. and I went to Amsterdam to celebrate my sisters 25th birthday, which was also really cosy. My sister graduated earlier this year, she is a doctor now, and so we gave her a toy doctors bag. Luckily she liked it and did not toss us out :)
On Saturday I visited the thrift shop (again) and I found some glasses and glass plates. And with a tiny little tube of glass glue I turned it into a etagiere:

I went to the bookstore last Friday where I found a one-line-a-day diary, which made me really happy. It covers 3 years, and I can't wait to start writing.

And I also ran into this little guide. Is a booklet filled with addresses and tips for vintage and retro shopping. It starts with some stores in London and continues with places in the Netherlands and Belgium. And to make it even better, there a websites mentioned as well. But I will take that up later. This is its cover:

A quick reply to the nice letter from Martina, Croatia
And another quite quick reply to Nancie, in the USA
Sweet dreams!

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